
Making way for mobility on the Pontpierre interchange

26 June 2024
Luxembourg-between Pontpierre and Wickrange, A4


Civil EngineeringPublic

Making way for mobility on the Pontpierre interchange

On the A4 motorway linking Esch-sur-Alzette to the capital, right next to GRIDX, the Pontpierre interchange is undergoing work to improve traffic flow around the town.

Organised in several phases, the work being carried out by Félix Giorgetti on behalf of Ponts et Chaussées and the municipality of Mondercrange involves, in the first phase, the construction of a large oval roundabout under the motorway, on the N13, as well as an access ramp to the A4 towards Luxembourg. The second phase of the project, on the other side of the interchange, will see the construction of an exit towards Wickrange.

A little background: the motorway section between Pontpierre and Esch/Lallange was one of the first to be built and brought into service in 1969, making the Pontpierre interchange the oldest in the country. And because the motorway stopped there, the slip road to Luxembourg was not built. As a result, motorists have to drive through the municipality to reach the capital, which has a major impact on local residents. To ensure the peace and quiet of residents, 9,400 m2 of acoustic walls will be installed along the route.

The A4 motorway widens

The project also includes the widening of the motorway, which will eventually include two traffic lanes, a dedicated bus lane and an emergency lane, as well as a retaining wall for the future tram line and the redevelopment of the retention basin. After a phase of earthworks along the road, the hoppers for routes 37 and 39 (the exit from Foetz and the entrance to Luxembourg respectively) have begun to take shape. Our teams are currently building the retaining walls for the motorway. These are 160 m long for route 37 and 360 m long for route 39.

Demolition of a structure

The next major stage in this project was launched on 1 July with the closure, for a period of six to eight months of the exit from Foetz. This exit currently crosses an old stone bridge onto rue d'Europe. The bridge will be demolished after the summer holidays.Rue de l'Europe will become a dead end, as the new exit will be directly connected to the roundabout. This cut will also provide an opportunity to rebuild a hydraulic structure under the motorway where the Mess flows.Lastly, in October, a 52 m-long tunnel will be sunk using a microtunnel to install an outlet to Mess from the retention basin, which will also be redeveloped.It will be fitted with a siphonic partition, a device that blocks the passage of hydrocarbons. Work is scheduled for completion in spring 2026.

The work is scheduled for completion in spring 2026.