Raemerich bypass
As a continuation of the Micheville link works carried out in 2006, Félix Giorgetti was assigned the last two lots which consist in connecting Esch-sur-Alzette to Audun-le-Tiche via the A4 motorway.
The Raemerich bypass is being carried out on behalf of the Roads and Bridges Department in order to improve road traffic in the south of the country, particularly at peak times for border commuters.
The project also includes the access road and the construction of a bridge connecting to the future car park of the CHEM (Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch).
Section length
A 1.7km route
The first lot consists of linking the existing OA888 structure to six retaining walls ranging in height from 2 m to 10 m, for a total length of 1 km. A roundabout will also be built underneath the bridge to link the A4 motorway, the Micheville tunnel and the Raemerich roundabout. The project also includes earthworks, roadworks, the installation of networks, the construction of a retention basin and a noise barrier.
This same lot also includes the construction of a road and its networks (lot 1a) to access the CHEM structure (lot 1b). The latter includes the construction of a mixed structure crossing the access between the roundabout located under the OA888 and the Raemerich roundabout, a bridge 8 m wide and 65 m long made up of a metal structure and reinforced concrete.
Finally, lot 2 provides for the connection of the Micheville tunnel to the existing structure OA666, then the latter to the northern retaining walls of the OA888 and the southern retaining walls to the A4 motorway. To do this, our teams will have to build reinforced concrete walls, secant piles and an acoustic support on the existing tunnel, as well as the connection work between the future road and the existing one.
A cycle path, which route has yet to be defined, will also be part of the project.
Optimising the resources
The new route is 1.7 km long and requires extensive earthworks. In total, 400,000 m³ of material will be excavated, half of which will be reused to form the merlon (noise barrier). To manage this volume of material, a storage area of 11,000 m2 has been set up on the site. It contains 26,000 m³ of HF that will be crushed on site before being put to a new use in order to optimise the materials and limit the number of evacuation routes.
The A4 is a major artery in the country and is experiencing. The challenge of this project will therefore be to limit traffic disruption as much as possible when the new road is connected to the motorway.
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